
29 December 2024

Review: 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores from LEGO® Friends

Posted by tobymac

We start off the reviews for the LEGO® Friends January 2025 wave with the biggest set in the line-up. Together, let's hop on our bike and inline skates to potter some clay and wash out any resulting stains in the laundromat, before enjoying a cup of tea with locally sourced honey while watching the cats play with yarn. Oh, and look at the new baby!

completed Lego Friends set 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

Products in this article were gifted by The LEGO Group; the author's opinions are their own.
This article contains affiliate links to; we may get a small commission if you purchase.

  1. New molds
  2. Recolored parts
  3. Decorated pieces
  4. Mini-dolls
  5. Other interesting elements
  6. The finished model

42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

  • Release date: 1 January 2025
  • Pieces: 2040

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Box and model of Lego Friends 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

LEGO® Friends set 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores has 2040 parts, beating set 41732 Downtown Flower and Design Stores (read my review of 41732) by 30 parts and pushing it into third place. Meanwhile, 42639 Andrea's Modern Mansion (read my review of 42639) stays on top with 2275 parts.

As the name suggests, the set depicts a building block combining apartments and stores. We’ve seen this setup before, and the model fits in with the aforementioned 41732 with a similar format and even the same color of sidewalk, while LEGO® Technic bricks on the sides suggest the sets can be connected. Similar bricks can be found in other Heartlake City sets like 41748 Heartlake City Community Center and 41704 Main Street Building, resulting in a Modular-style city block.

New molds

I already discussed every new mold in every January 2025 LEGO Friends set, but here is a shorter look at which ones come in set 42670. Alternatively you can skip to the next section, the recolored pieces.

Window 1 x 3 x 2 (6798) and Glass (7157)

lego window and glass

We start off with a new size of window, which our readers have already agreed will be very useful. Window 1 x 3 x 2 can be found 5x in white (6525959 | 6798) here, along with glass in trans-clear (6508985 | 7157). 

new white lego window compared to a similar old one in red which is the same dimensions but there is more detail in the frame. Some other old red windows of different sizes (1x1x2 and 1x2x1) are also pictured

The window size is not completely new: a similar size was introduced 70 years ago, and was present in several versions until 1980. I’ve included two other sizes from that era that could use a re-introduction as well.

A framework made of many currently available lego windows, every window is a different size. The bottom row, from right to left, has a 1x2x3, 1x3x3 and 1x4x3. The next row stacked above has a  1x2x2 and 1x3x2 which is the new window discussed. Notably, the top row has no 1x4x2.

The new window fills a gap in the array of available sizes. There is room for more sizes though: Will the obvious 1x4x2 gap be filled first, or might the next addition start a new 1-brick high row on top of my arrangement, or a 1-module wide column to the right? What is your most desired addition?

1x3x2 window and 2x3x2 cupboard with their glasses switched - but they dont fit.

The size of the frame is similar to the 2x3x2 cupboard (92410) and accompanying door (30125, 35245, 4533). The cupboard door does not fit in the window frame, as it is slightly bigger. 

Conversely, the large tabs on the new glass don’t allow it to fit inside the small holes inside the cupboard. That’s probably a good thing, as it would be very tricky to push out the glass again.


Lego Friends minidoll with a mohican pushing a pram with a baby doll figure, and two more alongside

Roy was first introduced as a newborn in 42615 Pet Adoption Day. Now, a year later, the little one brings us the most exciting new molds for 2025 so far, at least for me: Roy grew into a baby-doll! 

I’ve picked the name baby-doll due to the similarity to the minifigure baby, but toddler would also be a suitable description. As you can see, the baby fits the same pram its minifigure counterpart rides.

new lego friends baby doll figure revealing connection points between the 2 parts (head and body)

Similar to the minifigure babies, the baby-doll comes in 2 parts: a body and a head. Roy features Babydoll Head with Lime Cap, Bright Light Blue Eyes, Pacifier print in Medium Nougat (6520725) and BabyDoll Body with Medium Lavender Body, Medium Nougat Hands in Medium Nougat (6532471).

Both parts are dual-molded: the neck and hands on the body are connected with the onesie molded over it, and the head is split up between the head itself and the bonnet.

comparisons of the heights of new baby doll with lego minifigure baby and lego friends child doll

The doll is just under 2 bricks tall, just a snitch taller than the minifigure baby. The hands are almost identical, sticking out the same way, but set onto the torso a bit higher.

Sunflower (6901)

2 yellow lego sunflower pieces

A new addition to the flower lineup is a sunflower, here in yellow (6509767 | 6901). Eero has studied this pretty flower in his review of 10342 Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet, where the mold appeared in bright light blue. 

Bicycle Frame, No Handlebars (6348)

lego friends dolls and 3 different lego bikes

Due to their immovable hands, mini-dolls are not able to ride the standard LEGO bicycles (shown in red, 65574) because they can't grip the handlebars. 

We’ve seen a similar update to the wide version (5554), seen above in medium azure, in the Adventure Camp sets from the June 2024 wave. See my review of the LEGO Friends Adventure Camp sets.

Now, the regular sized bicycle has received the same update, appearing in bright light orange (6525962 | 6348) here.

Inline Skate (6917) & Yarn (6900)

lego inline skates and ball of yarn pieces

Zac is moving around town on a pair of new inline skates, appearing in coral (6509803 | 6917), while the cats are playing with a ball of yarn, appearing here in bright light yellow (6522800 | 6900).

lego doll wearing an old roller skate piece on one foot and inline skate on the other. Because the roller skate is shorter, it sits on a 1x1 plate.

The inline skate complements the existing roller skate (18747), standing one plate taller. The mold is symmetrical all around. The wheels are a tad thinner than a plate, so a clip won’t hold onto it. 

Hopefully we’ll see this part appear in more colors soon, as it is perfect for greebling and microscale vehicles.

comparisons of the lego ball with axle hole and the new yarn ball piece

The ball of yarn shares some DNA with the LEGO® BIONICLE® ball joint; it's not the same size, but it does have an axle connection underneath. 

As with a 1x1 cone, the axle doesn't fit a full module within. 

It’s a cute minifig/doll accessory, and in tan it could double as a ball of spaghetti or noodles.

Tiny Cap (6913) & Ball with Ears (5692)

2 lego pieces - a ball with cat ears, and a little baseball cap.

The chubby cat is wearing a new cap with a small pin, which appears in multiple sets across the wave. We get 1 plus a spare here in lime (6509777 | 6913). 

The Ball with Ears is not really new, as it appeared in the LEGO® Gabby’s Dollhouse theme but this is the first time it appears without a print, coming in white (6522746 | 5692). Unfortunately, the hole on top is not functional, being too small to fit a small pin.


The following elements appear in these colors for the first time.

2 different Lego pieces
  • 5x Plant, Leaves Stacked 4 x 5 x 1 2/3 in Dark Red (6526035 | 5058)
  • 6x Slope 45° 2 x 2 in Light Nougat (6526032 | 3039)

2 different Lego pieces

4 different Lego pieces
  • 1x + spare Plate Round 1 x 1 Swirled Top / Poo in Bright Pink (6519699 | 53119, 3441)
  • 1x + spare Technic Pin Connector Round 1L [Beam] in Yellow (6431481 | 18654)
  • 3x + spare Tile 1 x 1 Heart in Green (6501815 | 39739), also coming in 10350 Tudor Corner and 10359 Fountain Garden
  • 1x Animal, Bird, Owl, Baby in Light Bluish Gray without printing (6481838 | 3753), which will be interesting for decorating castles

2 different Lego pieces
  • 3x Panel 1 x 6 x 5 in Yellowish Green (6526033 | 59349)
  • 16x Window Round 3 x 3 x 2 in Bright Pink (6526038 | 73878)

2 different Lego pieces
  • 6x Garage Roller Door Section without Handle in Bright Light Yellow (6526036 | 4218)
  • 1x Door 1 x 4 x 6 with 4 Panes and Stud Handle in Coral (6526039 | 60623)

Decorated elements

The set comes with a nice assortment of new decorated elements.

transparent blue lego dishes with printing of laundry on them

Starting off in the laundromat, where the washing machines receive printed doors in the form of Dish 3 x 3 in Trans-Light Blue (6520724) – note, these prints are identical.

insects printed on transparent lego round tiles
  • 3x + spare Tile Round 1 x 1 with Bee print in Trans-Clear (6481608)
  • 1x + spare Tile Round 1 x 1 with Ladybug print in Trans-Clear (6481607)
We get 2 new printed tiles with an insect, complementing the blue beetle introduced earlier in 2024, shown above right.

lego ladybird and bee tiles, but each comes in different designs.

The prints are an improvement upon the previous versions shown above left, feeling less cartoony.

More printed tiles:

3 different Lego pieces

  • 2x + spare Tile 1 x 1 with Dark Green Sign, White Leaves print in Brick Yellow/ Tan (6507710) is new to a New E review, but was originally introduced by 21353 The Botanical Garden.
  • 3x + spare Tile Round 1 x 1 with Four Leaf Clover print in Bright Green (6507709) also first appeared in 21353. (The spare tile went missing while taking the photos.)
  • 1x + spare Tile Round 1 x 1 with Cucumber Slice print in Green (6510657) will also appear in LEGO® Minifigures 71048 Series 27 on 1 January.

Animals are not overlooked. The occupant of number 46 has 3 cats, all coming with new prints:

3 different Lego cat pieces

  • Pluto: Animal, Cat, Kitten Sitting with Yellow Eyes, Dark Pink Tongue print in Black (6520727).
  • Peri: Animal, Cat, Sitting with Dark Brown Stripes, White Chest, Ears print in Medium Brown (6520143) is the first usage of this color outside of minifigures, mini-dolls and a LEGO® DUPLO® brick representing a face.
  • Pom: Animal, Cat, Chubby with Dark Tan Face, Toes, Bright Light Blue Eyes print in Tan (6520726), which is also a recolor for the mold.

the 2 sticker sheets from 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

All other decorations are handled by a small and a big sticker sheet. This is the first time (as far as I can remember) that all stickers are numbered in the exact order they are applied during the build. Apparently this is unusual, as the layout is usually optimized to fit as economically as possible on the sheet regardless of application order. Normally, the numbering is also done before the instructions are developed, so I’m curious as to how these sheets came to be so organized.


a wide range of lego minidolls

We’re treated to 9 mini-dolls to populate the set. Three of them are new to Heartlake City, while 3 others make their second appearance, and the final 3 are regular faces.

lego friends minidolls Fatimah, Dione and Gita seen from front and back sides

It took a while for the emergency services of Heartlake City to be completed. Despite there being multiple doctors (and vets), it took until 2023 for the first police officer to show up, and now the first firefighter appears. 

Fatimah’s role is not sensationalized; no raging fires here, but she is saving a kitty from a tree. This is similar to the earlier police officer who is not chasing down criminals but is looking for a missing child instead.

  • Recolored Hair and Helmet, Fire, Long Black Hair Pattern in White (6531023 | 53117)
  • New head print in Umber Brown (6520716)
  • New torso print in Umber Brown (6531025)
  • New legs print in Reddish Orange (6531029)

Dione is part of the family of Roy, judging by the name on their mailbox.

  • Recolored Hair Curly with Thin Braid in Dark Tan (6531175 | 2640)
  • New head print in Light Nougat (6520117)
  • New torso print in Light Nougat (6531001)
  • New legs print in Bright Light Yellow (6531177)

Gita is the nextdoor neighbour who runs a pottery studio.

  • Recolored Hair Long Wavy with Ponytail in Dark Red (6530916)
  • New head print in Sienna Brown (6520720)
  • New torso print in Sienna Brown (6530917)
  • New legs print in Tan (6532680)

lego friends characters anthony, roy and Petch seen from front and back

Anthony has appeared once before in 42615 Pet Adoption Day, along with then-newborn Roy who I discussed in the new molds section.

  • Rare Hair, Mohawk Wavy in Bright Yellowish Green/ Lime (6474483 | 3758), seen twice before
  • New head print in Medium Nougat (6520713)
  • New printed torso in Medium Nougat (6530798)
  • Rare legs in Sand Blue (6440456 | 2277) used once for the same character in 42615 Pet Adoption Day

Petch is the only mini-doll featuring a prosthetic leg to date. The character was first introduced in 42604 Heartlake City Shopping Mall; check out my review of set 42604.

  • New head print in Warm Tan (6520711)
  • New torso print in Warm Tan (6530835)
  • Rare legs with prosthetic in Bright Light Orange (6462562 | 105310) used once for the same character in 42604.

paisley, zac and ella lego friends minidolls seen from front and back

Paisley is part of the core group, and has appeared many times before. Her only new addition is her torso print in Light Nougat (6522132).

Zac is also in the core group. Aside from a new torso print in Reddish Brown (6530131), he brings a new mold for his legs: Minidoll Hips and Mid-Length Shorts in Blue (6530132).

Ella is Paisley’s little sister, and this is her 6th appearance in a set, including as a newborn baby in 2024’s LEGO Friends 42637 Advent Calendar (check out Elspeth's review of set 42637). Here, she only brings a new printed head in Light Nougat (6520722).

Other interesting elements

The following elements are not new, but rare enough as of time of writing to be worth mentioning.

7 lego pieces
  • 8x Brick Special 1 x 2 with Masonry Brick Profile in Aqua/ Light Aqua (6476306 | 98283), seen in 1 set so far from 2024.
  • 1x Food Cupcake with Stud in Orange (6510513 | 79743) was introduced a few months ago.
  • Plant, Flower, Peony Rose with 2 Layers in Green (6550579 | 5904) and Medium Lavender (6519102 | 5904) have only been seen in 21353 The Botanical Garden, while Dark Pink (6513737 | 5904) has been in multiple sets now.
  • 2x Weapon Hilt Symmetric in Bright Green (6468078 | 66909) has been used in 2 sets.
  • 2x Tile 1 x 2 with Groove in Trans-Purple (6253836) has only been used in 31212 The Milky Way Galaxy.
  • 1x Tile Round 1 x 1 Special with Clip-Bar in Black (6504712 | 77813) has been seen in 21350 Jaws only – read Ben's review for set 21350.
  • 2x Plant, Peach in Bright Light Yellow (6492704 | 5234) was introduced in a single LEGO® City set.

5 lego pieces
  • 2x Panel 1 x 6 x 5 in Light Nougat (6458415 | 59349) was first seen unprinted in the LEGO® Wicked theme.
  • 2x Bar 7 x 3 with Double Clips (Ladder) [Round Clips] is the updated version, first seen in set 42623 Beach Water Scooter in Light Bluish Gray (6509831 | 5630). Read my review for set 42623.
  • 1x Tile 1 x 6 with Groove in Light Nougat (6517909 | 6636) was also introduced by LEGO Wicked.
  • The only use of 1 x 62361 Wheel Arch, Mudguard, 1 1/2 x 6 x 1 [Arch Extended] in Bright Light Blue (6372133 | 62361) was back in 2021 in 77942 Fiat 500.
  • 1x Window 1 x 2 x 3 Flat Front in Dark Turquoise (6502372 | 60593) was used in a LEGO® Harry Potter™ set.

The finished model

lego friends minidoll on a bike pulling a portable lemonade stand

The first build is a mobile lemonade stand, using the new bicycle mold.

6 different closeups of the lego friends set 42670

The main building is split into 2 sections with a total footprint of 16 x 40 modules. The 2 sections are connected by Technic pins, adding to the modularity of the set. 

The first section features a cute small park with sunflowers, a fountain, and a cat stuck in the (recolored) leaves of trees. In front of the park we find a chess game. Next to the park is a cupcake store, with a roof terrace where honey is harvested. 

5 closeups of details from Heartlake City Apartments and Stores from LEGO® Friends

The ground floor of the other section features a laundromat and a pottery studio. Using some Technic parts, the laundry inside the washing machines can spin around. The same mechanism also operates the pottery disc. The recolored surfboard is used for ironing. The front of the laundromat can be closed off by a garage door, which is controlled by a push button in the ceiling.

Here it is in action. The lever is pretty hard to operate with adult hands, and offers some resistance.

6 closeup details of Heartlake City Apartments and Stores from LEGO® Friends

Above the laundromat we find the home of Roy featuring a kitchen, a bedroom with a crib and an attic. I like the use of orange clips to hold the furnace in the attic, simulating flames. Above the pottery studio is an apartment taken over by cats.

The completed set Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

The finished model is impressively big, with a load of play features to keep kids entertained. The LEGO Friends team keeps on delivering! 

A downside for me is that the floors are attached to each other, so it’s tricky to reach inside, at least for my fingers.

rear view of Heartlake City Apartments and Stores set

The set comes with a lot of interesting new molds and recolors. None of the new molds are unique to this set though, so depending on your needs you could opt for a smaller set to obtain them. Most of the recolors can only be found here though.

When our overview of all new molds found in the January 2025 wave of LEGO Friends sets went online, one of the often-asked questions was: how does it line up with the other city center sets? 

Heartlake City Apartments and Stores set displayed alongside 2 more Friends sets

I only have 41732 Downtown Flower and Design Stores from 2023 available, and they fit together decently, but not perfectly. The color schemes are pretty different, especially the different style of the furniture store which feels out of place. 

another arrangement of Heartlake City Apartments and Stores set displayed alongside 2 more Friends sets

If you place the new set to the right, the sidewalk lines up nicely, although the pattern skips a step, and the park becomes overshadowed. Putting it on the left requires the removal of the balcony but looks better, however the sidewalk connection is reduced to 3 modules, with part of it being blocked by the fire hydrant. These are not big issues to overcome with some additional bricks, but I would have preferred a neater connection.

READ MORE: Every new mold in January 2025 LEGO® DREAMZzz™ sets

Set 42670 on

Lego Friends 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

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All text and images are ©2024 New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.


  1. I really like this one, although I was surprised at the size comparison with the 2023 set - it looks smaller overall than I expected, and almost a smaller scale, although I think it does more for something of a similar size.
    I'm surprised that the swirl has taken so long to appear in pink, do that is quite welcome. I believe the unprinted owl will also appear in the upcoming Harry Potter Diagon Alley, which might end up being an interesting (and expensive) parts pack. I really like the technique with the new green roof elements, literally inverting the original purpose works quite nicely

    The new roller blades feel to specific an element for their inclusions so far, so I imagine there may be an upcoming set where they will be more important, or perhaps a Collectible Minifigure? I also wonder if the new bike mould will replace the old in all themes.

    I have been wondering if we will see these new skin tones appear outside of minifigs and mini dolls, as obviously the original has been produced in regular bricks for s few years now. As this is still a "character", I don't know if this cat answers that question, so we will have to wait and see.

    Thanks for the analysis, tobymac!

  2. Nice review! I love the look of this set.

    About the roof terrace... you say it's where honey is harvested, but I think what's actually being harvested is lemons from the lemon tree, to juice and use in the lemonade cart below!

    1. I think you are quite right about the harvest being lemons. The honey will come from 42669 beekeeper’s house - and there are no beehives on the terrace

    2. Nuclearxpotato29 Dec 2024, 23:08:00

      I had the same thought. When I first saw the pale yellow peaches in the 2024 Jungle Exploration set, I had absolutely no idea what they were meant to represent. Seeing them here, with a pitcher of (what seems to be lemonade) made me realise they were meant to be lemons! Personally I don't think they do a great job of conveying lemons, especially since they're bigger than Lego apples and not saturated enough, but it is the most applicable part currently.

    3. I guess the alternative might be printed or stickered tiles, which might have its own issues, and not necessarily be particularly reusable...

  3. Firefighting is an interesting business. As I have understood it, on an average workday, firefighters do very little actual work, mostly waiting for calls that might or might not occur, in the meantime occupying themselves with activities such as betting matches on poker games or playing indoor sports that they could abandon on a moment's notice.

    Saving kittens from trees, however, is something that's almost never done in real life, since generally even a stuck kitten would eventually trip and fall down without major injuries. (I also remember that one-pager about the cat-saving incident from an old issue of Mad Magazine, although it doesn't seem as if someone has posted it online. Drawn by Bob Clarke, I believe.)

    My brother's stupid kitten started climbing a big tree and just worked his way up in panic until he got stuck for real, though. Ended up tripping and landing severely shocked and with injuries not completely covered by absorbing legs, but he's recovered by now.

    1. In some countries they still do:

  4. The worst part about the new 1x3x2 window is that it is perfect for a build I am doing right now, but I need it in light gray and I need a black lattice "glass" part to go with it. I'll just have to wait. (Currently trying to use a 1x2x2 window+lattice with studs sideways but it's just not quite right).

  5. I wonder if the intended combination with the design store and flower shop is to split the apartments and stores and put the apartments adjacent to the design store and the park and cupcake store adjacent to the flower shop.

  6. Having a roller door on the front of the laundromat seems strange, I have never seen (or even heard of) such a thing in real life. Makes me wonder what kind of neighborhood this thing is in that it needs such protection...

    1. They’re common enough in the UK, although those are laundrettes of course :D
