
20 December 2024

Parts review: January 2025 LEGO® Friends sets

Posted by tobymac

The first wave of 2025 LEGO® Friends contains 20 sets in total, including 2 only-partly-poly-but-mostly-paper bags. Across these, I’ve counted 222 new elements for us to enjoy, and so before I review the individual sets, I’ve put the most prominent, fresh molds in an overview for you.

various loose lego pieces including lego friends animals and babies

Products in this article were gifted by The LEGO Group; the author's opinions are their own.
This article contains affiliate links to; we may get a small commission if you purchase.

In previous theme-wide overviews, we split the articles into three sections: new molds, new recolors and new prints. However, while digging through the sets I was able to unearth a whopping 26 new molds across 17 of the 20 sets; some of which come in multiple colors and prints. So to keep this to a readable length, I’ll only discuss the new molds today, and save the recolors and new prints for my set reviews to follow. 

I’ve split the elements into 4 main groups, starting off with the ‘regular’ bricks for universal  construction purposes. Click to jump down to that section:

  1. Construction bricks
  2. People
  3. Accessories
  4. Animals and Plants

Here is a list of the 20 LEGO Friends products I have for review, all releasing on 1 January 2025 except where noted.

2025 LEGO Friends sets:

2025 LEGO Friends polybags:

  • 30696 Autumn's Waffle Stand | Price and release date unknown
  • 30697 Nova's Doghouse Build | reportedly US$4.99/ £3.49/ €3.99, Release date unknown

Construction bricks

Curved bricks (LEGO parts 5841 and 5843)

The new year sees the introduction of multiple new curved bricks, two of which appear in the LEGO Friends wave, and will appear familiar to you:

Two arched lego bricks

comparison of the new lego curved brick 5841 and the old 6091

Both new molds are a modified version of existing bricks. Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 1/3 with Curved Top (6091 & 32807, shown above in yellow, introduced by LEGO® Paradisa in 1992) has the same curve as the new 5841 but was designed with a straight 1-plate high extension at the bottom, making it 4 plates high. That is an unusual height in LEGO System that is irritating to build with, so the new 3 plate-high version makes sense.

READ MORE: Check out Eero’s review of 10344 Lucky Bamboo for more details on 5841

comparison of 3 nearly identical lego pieces: 5843, 6005 and 92903

Like its smaller sibling, Brick Arch 1 x 3 x 2 Curved Top from 1995 has the same shape as 5843 but with an additional plate at the underside. 

Note that this older brick has 2 mold variations: the original 6005 (shown in red above) and the current variation 92903 (shown in dark red). Note that the latter has a slightly tighter curve. The new 5843 matches matches up with the original version, 6005, sticking out slightly further than the more recent 92903.

new lego brick 5843 lying on its side, with a 2x2 curved macaroni tile laying on top. Their outer curves are identical.

It might seem weird for a new part to line up with an old mold variation, but there is a likely explanation: its curve is a perfect quarter-circle, so lines up with a 2 x 2 macaroni tile or brick, for example.

This also explains why the old brick has been shortened from 6 plates tall to 5 in the new version; it makes it more useful for SNOT work (sideways-building). The LEGO System used to generally keep element heights to multiples of 3 plates, for better compatibility with bricks. With the huge increase in SNOT building in official sets, 5 plate-high elements have been come increasingly common in recent years, for example Brick Special 1 x 2 x 1 2/3 with 4 Studs on 1 Side (22885) from 2016.

two lego curved bricks of different shapes but the outer curve is identical

Another example is the recently introduced Brick Curved 1 x 2 x 1 2/3 with 1 Cutout (5907), seen above right in white next to the new mold in light aqua. Their curves line up nicely. It’s great to have the same arc come in multiple variations, depending on your needs. 

the two new small and large lego curved bricks stacked together to show the small nestling inside the big

Like the old taller versions, the new curves fit together to fill a full quarter-circle of 2 module radius. 

It’s notable that both old and new versions of both bricks appear in this wave, but never in the same sets. I’m not certain if this means they will stay around alongside their new shortened siblings, or if some sets were designed before the new versions became available. I suspect the latter and we will see the old phased out, given that this does feel like a standardization of LEGO System.

READ MORE:  Check out Zach’s overview of new elements found in LEGO® Fortnite sets for more details about 5907

Window 1 x 3 x 2 (6798) and Glass (7157)

Sometimes, a new part can trigger an unexpected emotional response. 

a landscape orientation lego window with its accompanying glass

For our dear leader, this is the case for Window 1 x 3 x 2 in White (6525959 | 6798), found 3x in 42663 Friendship Camper Van Adventure and 5x in 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores, and the accompanying Glass for Window 1 x 3 x 2 in Trans-Clear (6508985 | 7157).

I really can't tell you how much this new window has impacted my psyche! I've thought about it repeatedly over the last couple of days. It's so weird to have an element from your absolute first-ever experiences of LEGO building essentially reintroduced 5 decades later.

– Tim Johnson

old red lego windows from the 1950s in various sizes including a 1x3x2, compared to the new 1x3x2 window in white. They are very similar, although t older ones have a more detailed frame with sill on one side, and their base sections are not solid plates

Tim is referring here to Window 1 x 3 x 2 Classic which ran in various versions from 1954 to 1980, seen above in red next to the new mold. It’s a size we’ve been waiting to be reintroduced for decades, and I’ve added some more classic window sizes to my picture that could be remade, as a subtle hint to any element designers tuning in.

comparisons of the new 1x3x2 frame and the old cupboard piece (92410), with their accompanying glass or door switched over - they dont fit

The size of the frame is similar to the 2x3x2 cupboard (92410) and accompanying door (30125, 35245, 4533). The cupboard door does not fit in the window frame, as it is slightly bigger. 

Conversely, the large tabs on the new glass don’t allow it to fit inside the small holes inside the cupboard. That’s probably a good thing, as it would be very tricky to push out the glass again.

Dome 1 x 1 x 2/3

2 colours of new lego transparent domes 1x1x⅓

A new mold that has been met with much glee by the team is Dome 1 x 1 x 2/3, coming 2x with 1 spare in set 42649 Heartlake City Candy Store in Trans-Orange (6509776) and Trans-Bright Green (6527409). There is no mold number to be found on the part, so we won't know the Design ID until 1 January. 

The first thing that comes to mind when seeing the part is the old Brick Round 1 x 1 x 2/3 Light Bulb Cover (4770) introduced for the Light & Sound System in 1986, and so I pulled one out along with some other similarly sized or shaped parts.

4 images, each comparing the new 1x1 dome with several other lego pieces

In the top left image we see:

  • Light Cover 1 x 1 Round with Internal Bar / Bionicle Barraki Eye (58176, 28624, 29380)
  • The new Dome 1 x 1 x ⅔
  • Brick Round 1 x 1 x 2/3 Light Bulb Cover (4770)
  • Lever Small Base (4592, part of 73587)

In the top right image:

  • Technic Ball Joint (53585)
  • Dome 1 x 1 x ⅔
  • Brick Round 1.5 x 1.5 Dome Top (20952, 37840)
  • Ball with Ears (5692)

In the bottom left image, we can see the dome's diameter falls somewhere between the existing small "Mixels" and large ball joints.

The bottom right image shows the best match to be found: the curved top is identical to Brick Curved 1 x 1 x 2/3 Double Curved Top (49307). It looks like someone took a plane to the part to smooth it out. 

This new part is perfect for creating lights on landing pads, in industrial settings or on machinery. I immediately thought of those classic old machines as seen in shows like Thunderbirds. In opaque colors, which are sure to come, the part will function as architectural detailing.

Ball with Ears (5692)

lego piece that looks like a slightly squished ball with kitten ears

You may have noticed in the lineup that I included Ball with Ears (5692). This part is not new, as the mold was introduced in June 2024 with face prints in the LEGO® Gabby’s Dollhouse theme. But seeing as this is the first time the mold appears on the New E blog, and the first time without a print, I decided to include it within this list. 

The part can be found 2x in 42647 Paisley's Room and 1x in 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores, both in White (6522746).

Plate Round with Clip (5264)

golden round lego plate with a downwards-pointing clip on its bottom side

Arguably, the most exciting new mold is Plate Round 1 x 1 with Clip on Underside (5264), unlocking so many new possibilities! In LEGO Friends, the mold shows up in Pearl Gold (6520665) in set 42652 Friendship Tree House Hangout, where we get 2x and a spare.

READ MORE: Check out Eero’s review of 10343 Mini Orchid for more details on 5264


This wave includes 62 new dolls in 52 unique configurations, and comprise 104 of the 222 new elements. Most of these elements are recolored hair pieces and new prints, but there are also a couple of exciting new molds.

comparison of 4 sizes of lego friends minidoll representing different ages

To date, Heartlake City has been populated by standard-sized mini-dolls representing adults and teenagers (above left), micro-dolls which serve as young children (second from left), and the swaddled newborns (right, who are also used alongside minifigures in other themes). In 2025, the gap between newborn and young child will be filled with the introduction of what I'm calling the baby-doll!


The first thing I spotted is the arrival of a new mini-doll type, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! The introduction of the previous new type, the micro-dolls in 2020, holds a special place for me as they were the subject of my first article for New Elementary. Seeing a new addition to the lineup is very welcome to me. 

Lego Friends minidoll with a mohican pushing a pram with a baby doll figure, and two more alongside

Just look at how cute these are! As you can see, they fit the same pram that their minifigure counterpart rides. 

I’ve picked the name baby-doll due to the similarity to the minifigure baby, but toddler would also be a suitable description.

various angles on the new lego friends baby doll figure revealing connection points

Similar to the minifigure babies, the baby-dolls come in 2 parts: a body and a head. The body has a tiny number molded all the way inside, and my best guess is that it says 110388, but we’ll have to wait for the release of the sets to be sure. I was unable to find a mold number on the head. 

Both parts are dual-molded: the neck and hands on the body are connected with the onesie molded over it, and the head piece is divided between the head itself and the bonnet.

comparisons of the heights of new baby doll with lego minifigure baby and lego friends child doll

The baby-dolls are just under 2 bricks tall, just a snitch taller than the minifigure baby. The hands are almost identical, sticking out the same way, but set onto the torso a bit higher.

a lego friends and lego system baby figure with their heads swapped. Same again but with a Lego Friends baby and adult.

The bar on the neck is of the standard 3.18mm size. This allows for some nightmare fuel, by swapping heads around!

Across the sets, three babies can be found:

views of the 3 babies available in different january 2025 lego friends sets

Going from left to right:

  • Amalia, found in 42645 Aliya's Baby Sister's Playroom with:
    • Babydoll Head with Lime Cap, Brown Eyes, Smile print in Medium Nougat (6520114) and 
    • Babydoll Body with Bright Light Yellow Body, Medium Nougat Hands in Medium Nougat (6527289)
  • Emilia, found in 42656 Heartlake City Airport and Airplane with:
    • Babydoll Head with White Cap, Bright Light Blue Eyes, Surprised print in Light Nougat (6520904) and 
    • BabyDoll Body with Magenta Body, Light Nougat Hands in Light Nougat (6531643)
  • Roy, found in 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores with:
    • Babydoll Head with Lime Cap, Bright Light Blue Eyes, Pacifier print in Medium Nougat (6520725) and 
    • BabyDoll Body with Medium Lavender Body, Medium Nougat Hands in Medium Nougat (6532471).

Mini-doll legs

2 different lego friends pairs of legs

The regular mini-dolls receive some new additions as well, in the form of 2 new leg assemblies. On the left we see Minidoll Hips and Mid-Length Skirt in Nougat (6522140 | 110193), found in 42641 Surfing Dogs and Scooter Adventure. This assembly is a shorter version of Minidoll Hips and Skirt with Ankles (59794) and was first seen in the LEGO® Wicked sets, but appears in a New E article for the first time here. 

Similar in length is Minidoll Hips and Mid-Length Shorts, seen on the right. The Design ID molded underneath the foot is 1826, but that number appears on many different leg assemblies. I suspect the number for just the legs sub-part, with the new shorts molded over them, so we can confirm part number in January. For more details on the mini-doll leg molding process, check Elspeth's horrifying post

These shorts appear in 4 different colors in the wave, and I’ll show each individually in my set reviews. 


front and back views of 4 new lego hair pieces

The mini-dolls are topped with 3 new hair pieces:

  • On the left are 2 colors of Hair, Dreadlocks in Knot, appearing in 42662 Hair Salon and Accessories Store in Tan (6531977 | 6968) and in 42656 Heartlake City Airport and Airplane in Black (6510743 | 6968). 
  • The massive hair piece (that needs a support to stay upright!) is Hair Curly, Long, Big, appearing in 42644 Heartlake City Ice Cream Truck in Black (6517216 | 80700). I have the feeling I have seen this piece before, and the mold number is not similar to other new molds in this wave, so please let me know if this wig is not really new.
  • On the right is Hair, Short Wavy, Straight Sides, appearing in 42656 Heartlake City Airport and Airplane in Light Bluish Gray (6531981). I was unable to read the mold number on this piece, but I also couldn’t find anything resembling it among the existing wigs.

Special mentions

I want to point out 3 characters that caught my attention. 

3 lego friends doll figurines

Going from left to right:

Fatimah completes the line-up of classic emergency services. Doctors are plentiful in Heartlake City, for both humans and animals. It took until 2023 before the first (and so far only) police officer appeared, focussing on the ‘serve’ aspect of their task by searching for a missing child and not featuring any ‘baddies’ to hunt. In January, set 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores introduces the first firefighter. Like the police officer, their task is not sensationalised; no raging fires to be found, but instead they rescue a kitten from a tree.

Visible disabilities have been featured extensively among the LEGO Friends characters, including the skin condition vitiligo. This wave features another skin condition. The character Eniko, found in set 42651 Horse and Pet Vet Clinic, shows dark red facial patches suggesting nevus flammeus, a benign birthmark.

Hidden disabilities like neurodivergence are trickier to make visible. Earlier this month, The LEGO Group announced a new initiative:

“The company is partnering with Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to create awareness through LEGO products; supported by employee training. The Sunflower has become a globally recognised symbol allowing individuals to discreetly share that they have a non-visible condition which may require extra support, time, space or understanding whilst going about their day - whether that be in travel, shopping, at work or in public spaces.”

– The LEGO Group 

This symbol comes in the form of a lanyard, which is featured in 3 sets among January 2025 releases, including LEGO Friends. Student Ryan is wearing his lanyard along with noise-reducing headphones during his travels at the airport in set 42656 Heartlake City Airport and Airplane

I truly appreciate this inclusion; being on the spectrum myself along with 2 of my children, we have used these lanyards and they have been proven to be effective when the situation calls for them. 

I would like to add that the Sunflower is not part of the ‘universal attire’ of the neurodiverse community: speaking for my family, we only bring them when we know we will be in a situation that will call for their use, while in most day-to-day activities they stay at home. Depicting all neurodivergent characters wearing a lanyard all of the time would be like depicting a F1 driver wearing a helmet at the breakfast table; it’s only used when needed. In that regard I like the description of the lanyard appearing in 10305 Tudor Corner:  “The 3,266-piece set also includes an apartment – where the character's lanyard is kept at the entrance, ready for her outings.”


Bicycle Frame (6348)

3 lego friends dolls riding different lego bikes

Due to their immovable hands, mini-dolls are not able to ride the standard LEGO bicycles, as you can see with the red bicycle (65574) above. 

To allow the Heartlake City residents to get their daily dose of exercise, a new bicycle frame is introduced, appearing in bright light orange (6525962 | 6348) in sets 42663 Friendship Camper Van Adventure and 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores. This frame is mostly identical to the old version, but comes without handlebars, featuring a clip instead, ready to attach handlebars (30031) for the dolls to hold. 

We’ve seen a similar update to the wide version (5554), seen above in medium azure, in the Adventure Camp sets from the June 2024 wave. See my review of the LEGO Friends Adventure Camp sets.

Inline Skate (6917)

lego friends doll wearing coral inline skates

Even more physical activity is possible with the introduction of the Inline Skate, appearing in Coral (6509803 | 6917) in sets 42662 Hair Salon and Accessories Store and 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

The part is symmetrical and fits both minifigures and mini-dolls. The wheels are a bit thinner than a plate, and are unable to be held by a clip.

Aside from complementing the standard roller skates (18747, 11253) this mold will, in more appropriate colors, be perfect for microscale vehicles like tanks and trains, and for adding greebling to builds. 

Dumpling (6647)

lego dumplings

All that exercise works up an appetite, so we’re making a quick stop for a snack – right on time for the introduction of the dumpling, appearing 2x +1 spare in set 42655 Restaurant and Cooking School in Tan (6508751 | 6647). 

The mold was also spotted in some of the 2025 Chinese Traditional Festivals sets as Skye described, and I’m sure even more themes will include the tasty treat as well.

Yarn (6900)

pink and yellow lego balls of yarn

Time for a bit of arts & crafts. The new yarn accessory comes in Bright Light Yellow (6522800 | 6900) in sets 42640 Guinea Pig Playground, 42655 Restaurant and Cooking School and 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores, and in Dark Pink (6509764 | 6900) in sets 30697 Nova's Doghouse Build, 42650 Pet Accessories Shop and 42669 Beekeepers' House and Flower Garden. The Dark Pink version has also been spotted in the upcoming LEGO® Minifigures 71048 Series 27

It’s a pleasing part that I think could work as noodles or spaghetti as well, given a recolor and maybe a print.

Plushy (6330)

2 designs of Lego Squishmallows plushies

For the inspiration behind these creatures I had to consult with my children; meet the Squishmallows, a series of chunky plushies which are all the rage apparently. I guess they are considered cute? 

The bright light blue version (6481627) appears in set 42647 Paisley's Room, and the bright light orange (6520141) shows up in 42645 Aliya's Baby Sister's Playroom. Like the yarn, this mold will also be found in LEGO Minifigures 71048 Series 27 but in different colors and prints, as well as in LEGO® DREAMZzz™.

Lego Squishmallows plushie being measured

The plushies stand 4 plates tall and span roughly 2 modules in diameter. 

Tiny hats

2 different tiny lego hats: baseball and chef

The Squishmallows can be accessorised with new headgear: Tiny Cap with Small Pin in Lime (6509777 | 6913) and Tiny Cook Hood with Small Pin in White (6509784 | tbc) appear in several sets, where they are also used to pretty up animals.

Animals and plants

The LEGO Friends theme is known for its introduction of ‘curvy’ animals, which are more realistic-looking compared to the ‘blocky’ LEGO® City versions. This wave brings us 3 new animals, each in 2 different colors and print.

Before the fauna, let's start with the flora, where we find 2 flowers. 

Tulip (5903) and Sunflower (6901)

lego sunflower piece and 2 lego tulips

The sunflower comes in yellow (6509767 | 6901) in 5 sets across the wave; 42646 Autumn's Room, 42651 Horse and Pet Vet Clinic, 42652 Friendship Tree House Hangout, 42669 Beekeepers' House and Flower Garden and 42670 Heartlake City Apartments and Stores

Eero has already studied this pretty flower in his review of 10342 Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet, where the mold appears in bright light blue (6525783).

lego tulips and their possible connection points

The tulip was introduced in 21353 The Botanical Garden. The mold features a 3.18mm bar on the underside, with the remainder of the flower standing 2 plates tall. A narrow hole runs through the entire part, which fits small pins.

Both molds are a great addition to the flower lineup, adding more possibilities to decorate models.

Ferret (6903)

3 views of a lego ferret or weasel piece

The first new animal mold is a cute ferret, possibly also usable as a weasel or stoat, appearing in 42646 Autumn's Room in dark tan (6481630) while set 42663 Friendship Camper Van Adventure features the adorable mustelid in tan (6520119). The creature is a bit under 4 modules long and just a bit wider than a single module, while standing 4 plates tall.

Corgi (109845)

2 different lego corgi dogs

The late Queen Elizabeth II would be delighted to see these chaps in LEGO form. The new corgi (109845) comes in white with 2 different prints: black fur (6517951) and dark orange fur (65017953).

4 views of the new lego corgi animal

The doggies are just over 3 modules long, while spanning just over a module wide. Including the pointy ears, the corgi reaches exactly 2 bricks high. On the left side of the neck we see a small hole, I assume to add accessories, but it is not utilised in 42641 Surfing Dogs and Scooter Adventure, the only set they appear in so far in which they spend a day on the beach.

Guinea Pig (6907)

4 views of the new lego guinea pigs

The third animal is the smallest, fitting comfortably on a 2 x 2 jumper with room to spare, while standing a brick high. The guinea pig comes in white (6481601) and black (6519645), both in set 42640 Guinea Pig Playground.

a wide range of lego friends animals, now with new printing

Aside from these new animal molds, we also get a cuteness overload with many newly printed (and plain) creatures. More details for these will be in my set reviews, coming soon!


The LEGO Friends theme is knocking it out of the park this wave, elements-wise. It’s thrilling to see such a wide range of new molds, from regular bricks to more specialized items. The new windows and curves will be very useful to builders. 

I’m always happy to see more leg options for mini-dolls, and in particular the babies have me excited; I've made space ready for them on my baby collection display. I do still hope for more body types for the regular mini-dolls though. And just how cute are the new animals, both in new molds and an overload of new prints? 

Stay tuned as I start building the sets to show off the models and all new recolors and prints they utilize. I am unlikely to review the following sets however, as they contain no new molds, and any new prints won't be of much interest to New E readers.


READ MORE: See every new piece in the 2025 LEGO® Blacktron Renegade remake

Set 42640 on
Set 42641 on
Set 42643 on
Set 42644 on
Set 42645 on
Set 42646 on
Set 42647 on
Set 42649 on
Set 42650 on
Set 42651 on
Set 42652 on
Set 42655 on
Set 42656 on
Set 42662 on
Set 42663 on
Set 42669 on
Set 42670 on
Set 42672 on

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All text and images are ©2024 New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.


  1. Nice review!

    I've remarked about the new arches several times before—they ought to be very useful indeed. The new 1x3x2 window and glass piece should be very useful too.

    I'm very excited for the new 1x2x2/3 dome piece. One issue with past parts of that type like the lever base or lamp cover is that they're all narrower than 1x1—meaning that if you use them to cap off a piece like the 1x1 brick they leave an often undesirable "lip". This new piece's perfectly in-system dimensions should allow for some much cleaner connections. Can't wait for this part to appear in more colors including some basic opaque colors.

    1. Agree, having that dome be the same diameter as a 1x1 round tile is really nice!

    2. Same here, I remember thinking that it'd be nice to get that old lamp cover piece back as an alternative to the Barraki eye so it could be used in places that don't have the right kind of bar hole available to attach to. This seems like a very acceptable substitute.

  2. Almost forgot to mention, I love the new ladybug and bee printed tiles! Like last year's beetle, being printed on a clear tile allows them to be smaller than the old ladybug tiles, while both the ladybug and bee are more realistic than the cartoony bee tile introduced in the Winnie the Pooh set. The small size and realistic appearance makes me hope that these show up (along with the beetle) in the Animal Crossing sets in the future, since bug catching is a big part of those games and these would work perfectly for it!

  3. That baby head on the adult's body is absolutely brilliant!

  4. Wow, that's a lot of new molds!
    It looks like the small hat maybe has a 3.18 bar inside also?
    I must point out that ferrets and weasels (and mink, ermine, etc.) are not rodents, they are mustelids.

  5. I'm about 99% sure the gray hair is a new color of the fairly common 23186.

    1. You're right. The 4 numbers molded on the inside threw me off.

    2. I wonder how the baby dolls line up to the little 1993 Dreamling part, seem similar

    3. Is the light bluish gray hair element different than the one used for Doctor Strange, the Wizard of Oz and several other characters? I’m having a hard time determining the difference.

  6. The "Ball with Ears" mold looks fairly similar to a Maneki-Neko... or a Snorlax...

    1. Oh a Maneki-Neko would be great to have as a minifig scale accessory (though I think this one's lack of a raised arm makes it not quite perfect for it).

    2. I immediately thought of the smaller Totoros (not sure if they have a name).

  7. The 1x3x2 Window will be super useful alongside the existing the 1x3x3 window. I hope we see a 1x3x6 door frame to fit the 3x6 glass door piece in the near future too.

    And while we're at it, a 2x6 door/glass piece to create French doors with the standard 1x4x6 door frame would be a godsend to builders.

  8. It took a while to sink in, but Window 1 x 3 x 2 is soo cool indeed! Can't wait for it to appear in black and use it in train wagons - the train window I've been waiting for for years! Also great in modulars for sure!
