
16 November 2024

Pick a Brick: Germany and UK get upload option plus more new features

Posted by Admin

Yet more exciting news from the LEGO® Pick a Brick online development team! The ability to upload a wish list, which premiered in North America recently, has now been rolled out to the UK and Germany... with even more new features included than before.

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Just in time for the weekend, List Upload is live in the UK and Germany (as well as still being available in North America). But this is the new improved version! 

Here is what you can expect. 

Supports BrickLink Studio CSVs and LXFML files

Users in Germany and the UK can now upload in another two file formats in addition to the basic CSV currently available in North America.

  • BrickLink Studio users can use the native export CSV format from that program and upload to Pick a Brick without needing to amend the file.
  • LEGO® Digital Designer (LDD) users can upload LXFML files directly, which is LDD's native uncompressed file format.

This will be so much easier for users of these two popular digital LEGO building programs. 

Support for unavailable parts

Once users from the UK or Germany upload a list, they will now see which parts couldn't be found on the service. 

That's not all: they can download the list of missing parts, to buy elsewhere or wait to see if they are added to the service later. You can use New Elementary's monthly lists to keep track of new additions to Pick a Brick, or reupload your list of missing parts each month.

This feature is in conjuction with the cart download feature that went live worldwide recently, allowing anyone to download a list of parts in their cart.

Worldwide availability of the new Pick a Brick features

We believe the intention is for all countries with Pick a Brick to receive all these features in the future... along with even more fantastic improvements requested by the LEGO community! However, we don't have a timeline for this from the team. 

Even if you are not in the UK or Germany, you can give the new features a try if you're interested, but you can't transfer the selected parts to the cart in your local country. Those two countries use the same supply warehouse (Poland) as the rest of the world excluding North America, so the results should be helpful.

The Pick a Brick team would love it if you have time to fill in the feedback form on the upload popup, "if there's anything you particularly love or want to see made better"!

READ MORE: Pick a Brick: surprise early release of December elements

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A huge thank you to all our patrons for your support, especially our 'Vibrant Coral' tier: London AFOLs, Antonio Serra, Beyond the Brick, Huw Millington, Dave Schefcik, David and Breda Fennell, Gerald Lasser, Baixo LMmodels, Sue Ann Barber and Trevor Clark, Markus Rollbühler, Elspeth De Montes, Megan Lum, Andy Price, Chuck Hagenbuch, Jf, Wayne R. Tyler, Daniel Church, Lukas Kurth (StoneWars), Timo Luehnen, Chris Wight, Jonathan Breidert, Brick Owl and our newest top-tier patron, BrickCats! You folks are just the cutest little baby bows.

All text and images are ©2024 New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.


  1. What about regular Bricklink wanted lists generated manually by selecting from the marketplace? Can they be exported?

  2. Amazing that they support LDD files as well! Hopefully that will bring more users back to LDD who can enjoy my updates.

    1. New updates to LDD?!? Where can I find them?

    2. I don't think they would support the modified software updates that have been made by fans. It's probably only the stock LDD from 2019, without any fan -created parts.

  3. I am using Brickling wanted list export, import it to Rebrickable part list which then provides Lego Pick a Brick csv download. However, it does not consider the have number from Bricklink wanted lists, so you have to adjust the number of wanted items accordingly before exporting from Briklink.

  4. Bricklink of course.

  5. If I can use LDD with new parts I'd be more than happy, wouldn't use that to create wanted lists anyway. Got to find those updates!
