
27 November 2024

Review: 40668 Captain America & Red Hulk from LEGO® BrickHeadz™ Super Heroes

Posted by Elspeth De Montes

LEGO® BrickHeadz™ 40668 Super Heroes Captain America & Red Hulk are tie-ins with the new Captain America: Brave New World movie due for release in February 2025.

lego brickheads red hullk and some loose pieces from the set

These LEGO Brickheadz characters represent the Sam Wilson version of Captain America, portrayed by Anthony Mackie in the movies, and U.S. President Thaddeus Ross in his Red Hulk form, to be portrayed by Harrison Ford.

Products in this article were gifted by The LEGO Group; the author's opinions are their own.
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40668  LEGO® BrickHeadz™ Super Heroes Captain America & Red Hulk

  • Release date: 1 December 2024
  • Pieces: 202

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Lego Marvel (BrickHeadz) 40668 Captain America & Red Hulk Figures

New prints

There are no new recolours in this set, but there are four new printed elements and no stickers.

4 lego pieces with printing
  • Brick 1 x 4 with Abs in Red (6486505)
  • Brick 1x4 with Pecs in Red (6488258)
  • Tile 1x4 with Goatee print in Reddish Brown (6488256)
  • Tile 2x4 with Captain America Chest in Dark Blue (6488257)

Rare elements

There are three elements included in this set that have only appeared in one or two other sets.  

3 lego pieces
  • Bracket 1x2 - 2x4 in Dark Blue (6482834 | 21731) has only appeared once before in 71811 Arin's Ninja Off-Road Buggy Car from earlier this year.
  • Plate Special 1 x 2 with Handles in  Earth Blue/ Dark Blue(6486505|3839b) has a new EID but is the same as the element that appeared in an Alpha Team set,  4742 Chill Speeder from 2004.
  • Flag 2 x 2 Trapezoid with Flared Area between Clips in Medium Stone Grey/ Light Bluish Gray (6365505 | 80324) has appeared twice before using this particular mould.

Elements in quantity

The only element worth mentioning that is supplied in quantity is common to all LEGO Brickheadz characters.

29 of a square grey lego block with lots of studs on the side

The set contains 29x  Brick Special 1 x 2 x 1 2/3 with 4 Studs on 1 Side in Light Bluish Gray (6123809 | 22885).

Sam Wilson LEGO® BrickHeadz™ Captain America

This version of Captain America is actually the third Captain America LEGO BrickHeadz, with the first being 41492 San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Iron Man & Captain America in 2016, and then 41589 Captain America in 2017.
left image by Hamid/ KatanaZ

This version of Captain America is actually the third Captain America LEGO BrickHeadz, with the first being 41492 San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Iron Man & Captain America in 2016, and then 41589 Captain America in 2017.

the core of captain america brickhead constructed

Captain America follows the usual construction process. The rare Bracket 1x2 - 2x4 in dark blue (6482834 | 21731) is used to connect the new printed chest tile. His right hand uses a different clip to ensure his shield can be held in the correct position.

a string of lego pieces connected by hinges

The other rare elements, the light bluish gray flag (6365505) and dark blue plate with handles (6486505) are used to construct his wings.

rear view of partially constructed lego captain america brickhead

Once in position, the details on the wing area look good - EDIT although I have just realised I have placed them upside down like jet wings rather than avian wings.  Apologies!

completed lego brickheads captain america sam wilson

The use of the 1x4 tile in transparent red looks great in combination with the flat silver ingots as the 'legs' of his goggles.  With the 1x4 tile in reddish brown providing the goatee, this version of Captain America is both detailed and accurate to the movie.

LEGO® BrickHeadz™ Red Hulk

U.S. President Thaddeus Ross is in his Red Hulk form for this build.

red hulk brickhead under construction

The build uses the two new printed 1x4 bricks to represent his pectoral and abdominal muscles. The build is straightforward, but with the arms and hands altered from the usual style to give more bulk. 

Red Hulk also has a prominent brow ridge with the extra 1x4 red tile giving him a Neanderthal forehead.

It's not too noticeable, but there are little peeks of the light bluish grey bricks between the red outer layer – perhaps this is a little nit-picky, but a red interior would have solved it, and the red SNOT brick (6135130) appears to be in production.


Apart from his arms and hands, the finished character maintains the same proportions as other LEGO Brickheadz – despite the difference in size of the Red Hulk character.  There have been smaller LEGO BrickHeadz; Sadness and Anxiety were smaller than Joy in 40749 Joy, Sadness & Anxiety and Anakin Skywalker was smaller than his compatriots in 40676 The Phantom Menace.  

 © The LEGO Group 2024

The only larger-sized LEGO BrickHeadz character I can think of is Kevin in 40752 Carl, Russell & Kevin, but I'm not sure that counts as she was not a human!

In any event, you will note that Red Hulk is virtually identical to 41592 The Hulk released in 2017 apart from the colours used and a couple of tiny differences - can you spot them?


LEGO BrickHeadz are not for everyone of course, but there are many collectors out there who will welcome two more.  Marvel aficionados will like the updated characters, and the duo are reasonably priced.

It has been 7 years since the first Hulk LEGO BrickHeadz was made and it's a little disappointing that this 2024 Red Hulk version is virtually identical.  I wonder if other arm options could have been explored given all the new elements released within that time.  Captain America is much more appealing and detailed, and certainly the movie tie-in will add some more popularity to these figures.

Buy set 40668 on 

READ MORE: See our top new LEGO moulds from 2024

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  1. Red and Green have slightly different hairstyles. That's the most obvious difference I can spot. Would there be anything else?

    1. There's two other things related to the model but not Hulk exactly; printed tile & baseplate size.

  2. the Hulk BrickHeadz used a different core construction so the arms were inlaid into the torso by half a tile, creating a smoother look overall. really not sure why they didn't do the same for this. seems lazy to me. bad set for a bad movie, i guess

    1. Red Hulk has a neck where the Hulk had no neck

    2. No Green Hulk and Red hulk have the same arm construction and they both sit on the Brick Special 1 x 2 x 1 2/3 with 4 Studs on 1 Side in the same manner. I think you are just seeing a shadow but arms are identical.
