
14 January 2017

Call for builders - get hexagonal!

Posted by Admin
In my previous post, I analysed the new hexagonal LEGO® plate (Design ID 27255) and discovered some of its potential, but I want to see more ideas, and more hexagonal plates! Therefore I'm planning another New Elementary parts festival called Nexogon, based around seeing what can be done with this element in bulk. I'll be relying on a few of the great builders who have helped out in the past but I also want some new faces in the lineup. If I sent you a few dozen of these, do you think you could do something amazing?

[EDIT: I have received so many applications, I've now closed the selection process and will decide soon - but you can still participate by using the hexagonal plates you've bought yourself. Read more below.]

What's that, FREE LEGO? Yes, thanks to the kind support programmes of the LEGO Group. But be aware that there's no such thing as free LEGO... this is a serious challenge and it can genuinely be quite daunting when you actually receive the parts, and I will need results.

What I am looking for are awesome, original builders who can blow people's socks off with clever creations that have been beautifully photographed. You'll need an existing parts collection, a half-decent camera and photography skills, the commitment and the time required to build awesome stuff. This is a "festival" celebrating this part, not a contest, but that said - you will need to have the confidence to share your finished work here.

Deadlines can be discussed but I would expect to receive the first photos within 2-3 weeks of you receiving the parts, and would want you to continue with more models after that.
Mail me at caperberry [DOT] elements [AT SYMBOL] gmail [DOT] com and I will pick people by the end of January, when I will post the elements out. In your mail please include:
  • a link to your LEGO work on Flickr/Brickshelf/MOCpages etc
  • a sentence or two on what you think you might do with this element in bulk (say 20-30 of them). I won't hold you to your exact idea, it's just to help me gauge your interest and building style.
Need inspiration? For some techniques, see my post about using up to eight hexagonal plates and for MOC/photography inspiration, check out previous New Elementary parts festivals.

But everyone is welcome!

You don't need hexagon plates in bulk to make amazing MOCs. Nor a huge LEGO collection, nor to be the world's greatest photographer. So I welcome anyone to submit their creations using the hexagon plate to me at caperberry [DOT] elements [AT SYMBOL] gmail [DOT] com (or use the Contact box in the righthand column of the desktop version of the site). I won't publish them all but if you send me an awesome build or a tablescrap that sheds new light on the hexagon plate and the techniques for using it, I'll publish it as a part of the Nexogon festival. I won't publish these until I've seen what the builders come up with, so you have until the end of February at least.

[EDIT: Great news! Mecabricks have just added the hexagon plate to their inventory, meaning you can now create digital designs with it! Check it out at Mecabricks. You can use the Design ID to find it: 27255. They call it LEGO Rotor W. Ø4.85 Hole, taken from Brick Owl.]

By the way, while I'm doing an 'admin' sort of post, did you see that @newelementary is now on Instagram and Pinterest too? Get LEGO part prettiness in your feeds.

Shopping on Amazon? Consider using our affiliate links to buy your LEGO sets (or anything); this helps support New Elementary!

UK: Get the Hexagon Plate in these sets


  1. This would be a weird part to try and incorporate into CCBS style MOCing but it does have that pinhole so it wouldn't be terribly difficult to do it. If this gets my foot in the door of being a New Elementary Contributor I'd be happy to take on the challenge Tim. ;D

  2. For others trying to get their hands on this part for this challenge, the Combo Powers Wave polybag (70372) has one in it. It's not an especially great value as a set, but it is only $4 USD at Target currently, so it's quite a bit cheaper than buying the Battle Suit sets if you're just after this new part.

    I'm sure it's available at other retailers as well.

  3. Ah, I'd love to take this challenge on but I don't have half good enough a MOCing portfolio...
